Friday, 23 September 2016

How to hack Windows User password

This article is for recovering a lost windows password, and of course it's time taking, if you want to hack a PC only to access the files or copying them or deleting them follow this post.

Hack a Windows Password Steps->

Choose the Correct Ophcrack LiveCD Version
After clicking the Download ophcrack LiveCDbutton , the webpage above should display.
Click the button corresponding to the version of Windows on the computer you'll be recovering the password on.
In other words, if you've forgotten the password on:
Windows 8: Click on ophcrack Vista/7 LiveCD.Windows 7: Click on ophcrack Vista/7 LiveCD.Windows Vista: Click on ophcrack Vista/7 LiveCD.
Windows XP: Click on ophcrack XP LiveCD.
Just to be clear, the OS of the computer you're using right now doesn't matter. You want to download the appropriate Ophcrack LiveCD version for the computer that you're cracking the password on.
Ophcrack doesn't yet support Windows 10.
On the next webpage, Ophcrack LiveCD should begin downloading automatically. The download is in the form of a single iso.
If prompted, choose to Download File or Save to Disk - however your browser phrases it. Save the file to your Desktop or another location that's easy to locate. Do not choose to Open the File.
The size of the Ophcrack LiveCD software you're downloading is fairly large.
The Windows 8/7/Vista version is 649 MB and the Windows XP version is 425 MB.
Depending on your current Internet speed, the Ophcrack LiveCD download could take as little as a few minutes or as long as an hour to download.

2. Make a drive bootable and copy the iso to it. To make it bootable follow this post.

3. Plug the drive to the victim PC.

4. Start the PC and immediately press ESC or F10 depending upon how is boot menu opened on your PC. You might find which key to press during the startup where usually at the bottom the key info is given.

Wait for the Ophcrack LiveCD Menu to Appear
After the initial startup of your computer is complete, as shown in the previous step, the Ophcrack LiveCD menu should display.
Press Enter as soon as you see such a window.
ISO files are special kinds of files and have to burned differently than you may have burned music or other files. Go back to Step 4 and try burning the Ophcrack LiveCD ISO file again.
Wait for Ophcrack LiveCD to Load
The next screen consists of several lines of text that quickly run down the screen. You don't need to do anything here.
Watch for Hard Drive Partition Information to Display
The next step in the Ophcrack LiveCD boot process is this little window that appears on screen. It may appear and disappear very quickly so you could miss it, but I wanted to point it out because it will be a window that runs in the background that you may see.
This message is simply confirming that a partition with encrypted password information on it has been found on your PC. This is good news!
Wait for Ophcrack LiveCD to Recover Your Password
The next screen is the Ophcrack LiveCD software itself. Ophcrack will attempt to recover the passwords for all of the Windows user accounts that it can find on your computer. This password cracking process is completely automated.
The important things to look for here are the accounts listed in the User column and the passwords listed in the NT Pwd column. If the user account you're looking for isn't listed, Ophcrack didn't find that user on your computer.
If the NT Pwd field is blank for a particular user, the password has not been recovered yet.
Look toward the bottom of the user list - find your user account .
In under one minute, Ophcrack will recover the password to this account You can ignore any other accounts you're not interested in recovering the passwords for.
After Ophcrack recovers your password, write it down, remove the Ophcrack disc or flash drive and then restart your computer. You don't need to exit the Ophcrack software - it won't harm your computer to power it off or restart it while it's running.
Now that your password has been recovered using Ophcrack LiveCD, simply enter your password when prompted after booting your computer normally.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

How to Hide secret files into audio files.

Hey Guys today I'm gonna teach you steganography, Steganography is hiding your secret data into song or images or any other such file so that the secret files can be discovered only by someone who knows the correct algorithm and the correct key, it's useful when you want to store data on your work or school PC and don't want it to be seen by anyone specially the sys admins.
To accomplish this task I'm gonna use a third party software called Deep Sound, which you can download from here.
Once you download and install it. It's an easy task to hide data into songs. (This software is capable only of storing them into songs,  however you can always get other such software which can do that in other formats as well)

Steps to hide->
1. Open Deep Sound
2. Hit the button that says Open Carrier files
3. Add a song or any other audio file
4. Click add secret files -> Add the secret files
5. To add a password hit encrypt files and set the password.
6. Now choose the location where the new file is to be saved.
Nd it's done now you have your secret file hidden inside an audio file and cannot by viewed by anyone. To share it with anyone secretly you'd just have to tell the person the password and send the file so that he could decrypt the file on the other end.

If someone opens the audio file the audio is played and the person couldn't make out that some other file is hidden into that audio file.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Clean Temp files automatically without any software

When we are using various softwares on our PC they keep on making their temporary files that take space on the drive if these temporary files are not deleted frequently they will take up a large space of the drive which could result in slower booting and can cause the PC to hang very frequently.
To avoid such conditions it is advised to clean the temporary files of the PC every time it is switched on or before shutting down , but if you still don't want to do this again and again you can always use software like CCleaner or any other such softwares but if you don't even want to download a software you can use a bat script that does this for you during startup.
This single kb bat script can remove temporary files of any size.

How to make a Bat file that cleans temporary files at startup

1. Copy the code below to notepad

rd /s /q %temp% mkdir %temp% rd /s /q c:\windows\temp\ mkdir c:\windows\temp\

2. Save the file as tmpclr.bat [.bat is important]

3. Move the file anywhere on your PC
4. Select the file and hit Ctrl+C to Copy the file
5. Press Start+R
6. Open shell:startup using Run opened in previous step
7. On left click menu select paste shortcut 

And you are all set, next time you Switch your PC on Temp would already be empty.

Feeling Lazy? Just Download the package I created from my drive

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Deep Freeze-Anti Deep Freeze-Anti (How to hack deep freezed computers)

For all those who don't what deep freeze is and for what purposes it is used let me introduce you to Deep Freeze.
Deep freeze is a Software used by sys admins to lock the state a computer is in. Specially used at places like Schools Colleges or shared PCs at offices. What it does is records the state the PC is in during set-up and refreshes to that same state by deleting all the files and reconfiguring all the setting changed during locked state.
It is seriously a pain in the butt when you download something to a PC at work and it's vanished till you return - coz someone felt the need to shut it down............. !(

If you are a sys admin reading this blog and want to download Deep Freeze, get it here
But if you want to HACK this thing this is where the fun begins
Just keep following the steps.
1.f Download Anti-DeepFreeze rom my Drive
2. Extract the file.
3. Copy the executable to portable storage
4. Plug the drive into the PC that has Deep Freeze
5. Run the Executable
6. It'll tell u the version of the Deep Freeze installed on the target PC
7. Select the version told by the AntiDeepFreeze
8. Enter the new password

And now you are the master.
9. Check the taskbar for DeepFreeze logo which looks something like the anti one but just without that cross.
10. Hold down the SHIFT key and double-click the Deep Freeze icon. Alternatively, you can press CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+F6. A Password dialog is displayed. Enter your password and click OK.
11. Now once you enter the password the PC is unlocked and the files you keep will be preserved . To lock it back just open it and lock.
Now that you have the password even your sys admin can't do anything

Pls Don't forget to Like at FB - AkhandsNet@FB

Akhand Yaduvanshi